King's Speech: What employers need to know

This week's King's Speech set out Labour's plans for changes to employment laws:  Although there is no draft bill as yet, the changes they are proposing are:

1. Making parental leave, sick pay and protection from unfair dismissal available from day 1 (subject to special rules for probationary periods)

2. Banning zero-hour contracts, making sure that workers have a right to a contract that reflects the hours they regularly work

3. Ending ‘fire and rehire’ and ‘fire and replace’ by reforming the law and replacing the statutory code

4. Removing the lower earnings limit and waiting period for Statutory Sick pay

5. Making flexible working the default for all workers from day one and requiring employers to accommodate this as far as is reasonable

6. Making it unlawful to dismiss a woman who has had a baby for six months after she comes back to work (with certain exceptions)

7. Creating the Fair Work Agency to enforce workplace rights

8. Introducing a Fair Pay Agreement in the adult social care sector

9. Repealing the law on minimum service levels in relation to industrial action

10. Simplifying the process of statutory recognition for trade unions

11. Introducing a right for workers and union members to access a union within workplaces

Once the draft bill is issued we will have more details but there are a number of very significant changes coming.

For help navigating some of these changes, get in touch with the Starford team on 01342 347063 or via


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