Workplace Banter Workshop:
Hilarious or Harassment?
Having a joke with colleagues can develop bonds between staff and contribute to a friendly working environment, but when does banter become harassment? Employers should be mindful that they are under a duty to do everything they reasonably can to prevent harassment in the workplace, and they can be liable for their employees’ acts of harassment.
This workshop is designed to help you understand when banter crosses the line into harassment, and how you can prevent this type of behaviour in the workplace.
Who is this workshop for?
Team leaders, HR professionals and line managers looking to create a safe and inclusive company culture by navigating what is legally and socially acceptable in the workplace.
Which topics will this workshop cover?
Banter vs harassment
Conduct during employment
Work social events
Social media and instant messaging watch-outs
How will the session run?
This is a three-hour interactive session with case studies, delivered by a Starford facilitator.
We find face-to-face training to be more engaging and effective, but we can offer this as an online workshop if required.
This workshop costs £1,000 + VAT for up to 20 participants. Bespoke versions of this workshop can be tailored to your company needs, please contact the team for more details and pricing information: