Effective Investigations Workshop
Investigations are becoming more complex and something of a HR specialism in their own right. This training workshop will cover the practicalities of carrying out workplace investigations and the tricky areas to watch out for.
Who is this workshop for?
HR Managers looking to upskill their business in this complex area.
Which topics will this workshop cover?
The importance of planning
Confidentiality during an investigation
How to deal with requests for anonymity from witnesses
How to handle an investigation when there is a parallel criminal investigation
How to support both the accuser and the alleged offender throughout the process
Investigating without bias
Relying on legal privilege
How to draft and present an Investigation Report
How will the session run?
This is a half day (4 hour) interactive session with case studies, delivered by a Starford facilitator.
We find face-to-face training to be more engaging and effective, but we can offer this as an online workshop if required.
This workshop costs £1,200 + VAT for up to 20 participants. Bespoke versions of this workshop can be tailored to your company needs, please contact the team for more details and pricing information: hello@starfordlegalhr.com
Starford can carry out independent investigations for your business when needed. Contact the team to discuss how we can support you in more detail.